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Yesterday I discussed identifying your big windows and making sure you have a plan as to how to use them wisely.
Chances are though, if you are a homeschooling mom, you don’t have a lot of big windows of time available.
However, you most likely have several little windows in each and every day.
When performing your time audit make sure to note little things. Instead of noting you spent 5 hours doing house work all week, break it down further. Set a timer before you sweep the floor for one room. Turn it off when you are done one room. Note how long it took you.
Save these small tasks for small windows.
For instance, lets say its lunch break for the kids, they are all off playing you have 5 minutes before you are needed to teach a lesson.
In 5 minutes your could…..
1. Clear off and wipe down the kitchen counters .
2. Clean the toilet and sink and bathroom counter.
3. Tidy up 1 room of the house. (not dusting and vacuuming but just picking up toy clutter and such)
4. Take dinner out of the freezer to start to thaw.
5. Sweep or spot mop the kitchen floor.
These are all things that can be done in 5 minutes. I know because I have timed myself doing such tasks, and reformed my “oh its too little time to do anything” ways.
By making the best use of your little windows to complete small daily tasks you can keep your large windows of time open for income producing work.
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Dig Into The Time Management Series Using The Links Below
Introduction: 31 Days Of Time Saving Tips For The Work-At-Home Mom
Day One: Perform a Time Audit
Day Two: Night Owl Or Morning Bird?
Day Three: Where are Your Largest Windows?
Day Four: Making the Most of Small Windows (you are here)
Day Five: Daily To Do Lists
Day Six: Maximizing The To Do List
Day Seven: Say No
Day Eight: Eliminate Poor Yes Choices
Day Nine: Put Your Time Offenders On a Budget
Day Ten: Combine Joy
Day Eleven: Making Effective Use of Waiting Time
Day Twelve: Making Use of Travel Time
Day Thirteen: Making The Most of Mom Taxi in Waiting Time
Day Fourteen: Take Time to Rest a Few Moments Each Day
Day Fifteen: Tag-Team
Day Sixteen: Involve the Kids
Day Seventeen: Mechanical Slaves
Day Eighteen: Outside Help
Day Nineteen: Timer Magic
Day Twenty: Take a Rest Day
Day Twenty One: Less Stuff, Less Mess, More Time
Day Twenty Two: Hold A Family Work Bee
Day Twenty Three: Keep Gatherings Simple
Day Twenty Four: Saving Time in The Kitchen
Day Twenty Five: The Self Cleaning Home
Day Twenty Six: Streamlining Your Homeschooling day
Day Twenty Seven: Create an I Did It List
Day Twenty Eight: Create a Simple Cleaning Routine
Day Twenty Nine: Create To Go Bags
Day Thirty: Making Minimum Standards
Day Thirty One: Treat Life Like a Marathon Not a Sprint
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Wow, this is so true. Thanks so much for putting these tips together. I’m so motivated!