Let’s use our imagination. It is the day before Christmas and you have just woken up in my home and realized you have not bought a single Christmas present yet.
There is a horrible blizzard outside so you cannot leave my home, you have no money to spend, and no one is going to interrupt you all day long.
Three things you do have; uninterrupted time, everyday household items and access to Pinterest.
10 Last Minute Inexpensive DIY Gift Ideas
(Links in this post are affiliate links. I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking those links. See my disclosure page for more information)
1. Edible Christmas Treats
I love to bake so my home is always stocked with enough supplies to whip up a few batches of something.
My No Bake Christmas series has 6 different recipes ideas if you can’t find something you like there try my Christmas Food Board.
For ideas on how to wrap them check out my post: Ideas For Packaging Homemade Christmas Treats Inexpensively
2. Gift Baskets Using Free Samples
I have a stash of sample hand cremes, small candles, body wash and coffee samples in the closet off the study. Place them creatively in a container and tie with a bow.
3. Coupon Books Offering Various Services
You could create coupons using the instructions in this pin. What you make the coupons for will depend on what your talents are and who the coupons are for. Here is my pinterest board full of ideas for creating free coupons as gifts.
My printer only has black ink, but if you want to add some flare, you will find crayons and felts in my daughters room.
4. Ornaments for the Tree
I have flour and salt on hand. I also have a collection of rubber stamps and ink pads found in the top cabinet above the Playstation. These are all the supplies you need to make these amazing salt dough decorations.
5. Hair Accessories Using Fabric Scraps
There is a box of yard sale found fabrics in the closet off the study that you can use to make these No Sew Braided Headbands
6. Jewelry Using Pop Tabs
You will find a stash of empty coke cans at the bottom of the basement stairs, and a box of ribbon in the family room. Grab the two and you can make these pop tab bracelets.
7. Write A Top Ten Reasons Why I Love You Letter
Loved ones love hearing why they matter to you. Paper can be found by the printer and if you need a pen try under the couch cushions in the family room.
8. Use Your Points And Order Gifts
Use my lap top to log in to your point programs and start ordering. If the people live in your home you can get them magazines from Recycle Bank. Print out the conformation e-mail and place it in a card.
For people on your list that don’t live with you, use your Bing Rewards and order them a Amazon e-code, it takes just hours for the e-code to arrive and then you place it in a card.
My stash of cards are in the closet of the study. (that closet holds many treasures)
9. Grab the 5K race shirts and make a….?
My son and I run plenty of 5K’s, find one in our dressers and use it to make something off my T-shirt Remake Reuse Board.
10. Create Natural Beauty Products
You will find all the ingredients you need to make a jar of sugar scrub in the kitchen. Canning jars are in the attic.
You could also try making some of my favorite lavender coconut body creme.
What gifts could I make if I woke up in your home?
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Good ideas!
Thanks for sharing these ideas. I particularly like #9 since my husband and I have run so many 5Ks and I rarely do anything with my t-shirts.
That reason alone (5K t-shirt overload) is the reason I created my t-shirt pinterest board.
I love the way you wrote this. Not only great ideas, but a whole different way to think about making gifts! Thank you so much!
Love this! If you came Into my house you could make homemade play dough, jewelry (have had a bead collection since I was in middle school), not sure if this counts but I have kept some of my childhood books and toys that I keep hidden and give as gifts
When they are the right age. You could also make a bean box for a toddler and throw in ild measuring cups and plastic kitchen tools because we always have dried beans. The other one would be stamp scenary. My mom use to always make us back drops for our toys with the art supplies we had our favorite was when she used out stamp collection.
Do you have a link to the jars you used for the lavender coconut body creme? What size jar?
I am pretty sure the one I used is this one here http://amzn.to/2fskHRl (affiliate link) . It was actually a jar a friend gave me with her caramel sauce in it but it looks exactly the same as the ones pictured through the link I shared with you.