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Waiting time, it makes our impatient selves crazy.
However, waiting time can be a blessing, when you use it to your advantage.
Here are a few ideas to make the most of your waiting time.
1. You have a doctors appointment: Bring along your knitting bag to work on a gift, or bring along a few blank cards and write out some snail mail (people love receiving it).
2. Long grocery line up: Grab your smart phone or small tablet out of your purse, and read a few pages of a book on your kindle app., or brainstorm ideas for upcoming blog posts and write them down on the note pad app. .
3. Waiting for your “suppose to be fast food”lunch: Open your e-mail account on your smart phone or tablet and start deleting all the junk mail.
4. Stuck at the stove flipping pancakes: Get out your stack of free magazines and read a few articles while you flip, or deep clean the nearby cupboard.
5. Waiting with your child: Take the time to play 100 questions and get to know them well. Bring crayons and a coloring book and color together. Bring along a portable card game to play together. If school wasn’t finished yet bring along their books and hold class in the waiting room.
I hope my ideas hope spark some thoughts of how you could use your waiting time more effectively.
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Dig Into The Time Management Series Using The Links Below
Introduction: 31 Days Of Time Saving Tips For The Work-At-Home Mom
Day One: Perform a Time Audit
Day Two: Night Owl Or Morning Bird?
Day Three: Where are Your Largest Windows?
Day Four: Making the Most of Small Windows
Day Five: Daily To Do Lists
Day Six: Maximizing The To Do List
Day Seven: Say No
Day Eight: Eliminate Poor Yes Choices
Day Nine: Put Your Time Offenders On a Budget
Day Ten: Combine Joy
Day Eleven: Making Effective Use of Waiting Time (you are here)
Day Twelve: Making Use of Travel Time
Day Thirteen: Making The Most of Mom Taxi in Waiting Time
Day Fourteen: Take Time to Rest a Few Moments Each Day
Day Fifteen: Tag-Team
Day Sixteen: Involve the Kids
Day Seventeen: Mechanical Slaves
Day Eighteen: Outside Help
Day Nineteen: Timer Magic
Day Twenty: Take a Rest Day
Day Twenty One: Less Stuff, Less Mess, More Time
Day Twenty Two: Hold A Family Work Bee
Day Twenty Three: Keep Gatherings Simple
Day Twenty Four: Saving Time in The Kitchen
Day Twenty Five: The Self Cleaning Home
Day Twenty Six: Streamlining Your Homeschooling day
Day Twenty Seven: Create an I Did It List
Day Twenty Eight: Create a Simple Cleaning Routine
Day Twenty Nine: Create To Go Bags
Day Thirty: Making Minimum Standards
Day Thirty One: Treat Life Like a Marathon Not a Sprint
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