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James 4:8A “Come close to God and He will come close to you” (Amplified)
I knew that I needed to attend functions to meet people. What I did not know was how to take relationships past “hey how are you?” “fine, great me too” .
I also knew I needed to get to know the area around me that was now our home. I was not sure about how to venture out in an unknown area on my own with 3 small children in tow.
I was attending church whenever the doors were open, attending two Mops groups and a morning bible study. I was determined to make friends but was afraid of overwhelming them. I didn’t want to scare people away with all my current problems. I didn’t want to be THAT friend.
So I started having regular daily quiet times with the Lord, a practice I still follow today. I did them at night back then since I rarely beat the children out of bed, but I usually had a good hour to myself after they all went to sleep. My husband was working nights so he was gone at this time too.
I poured my heart out to God. Laid all my troubles at His feet daily and began praying for wisdom when it came to making friends. Praying he would put me in the path of just the right people. That He would give me words to speak. That He would let me know how much to say and when.
He became a very close friend to me during that lonely time of my life and remains one today. He taught me all I know about making friends, going deeper in friendships and keeping friends. He gave me the bravery I needed to venture out of my comfort zone both in friendship building and in exploring the area He had brought my family to.
I wish I had kept better notes of what I learned during those quiet times with God about friendships. I am sure I am going to forget some details but something tells me the ones I do remember are the most important.
If you are feeling lonely in your new town, reach out first to God. Let Him become your best friend and watch Him introduce you to the new crowd around you. He will match you up with people you never expected but believe me they will be exactly what you need.
This post is part of the New Town to Hometown series. Use the links below to dig into the series.
Part One: Becoming Friend Worthy
- It all begins with fellowship with God (you are here)
- The most important lesson in friendship building
- Are you welcoming?
- Create mutual bonds
- Meet a need and make a friend
- Don’t try to look perfect
- Not everyone is going to be your friend
Part Two: Places To Find Friends
- Start the search online
- Church
- Community
- Homeschooling groups
- Be the neighbor with the active porch swing
- Breaking the ice and setting goals
Part Three: Creating Community
2.Visit your new local visitors center
6.Take part in all things local
7.Explore local state parks and playgrounds
Silly Stories Of My Moving Adventure
- It is going to be a long trip
- When you give a two year old a marker
- I was a soap opera star for just one day
- A sign that the long trip was about to end
- What happens when your landmarks become cornfields
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He loves you (us) so much…He will always be your best friend. He wants us to seek Him first in ALL THINGS….even our friends! much love! Dana