Last week I had you searching your home from top to bottom and storage areas too for items to both repurpose and sell. Today we are going to focus on where to sell the items you put in your resell pile.
The easiest way to sell your stuff that you found during your home audit is a yard sale. Yard sales can be a great way to get rid of multiple items in just a few short hours, but with it already being past prime yard sale season for most of North America (which is where most of my readers are from) I decided to concentrate on three different sites you can use to sell items any time of year.
Nowadays you can have a yard sale anytime you want using Facebook Buy and Sell groups (or the new Facebook Marketplace feature), Craigslist and eBay.
Where To Resell Your Items For Quick Christmas Cash
(Some links in this post are affiliate links. I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking those links. See my disclosure page for more information)
*Please note: in the printable pack that goes along with my free Christmas On A Zero Budget mini eBook there is a form that will help you get every item you want to sell ready to list with ease.
Facebook Buy and Sell Groups
- Tips For Selling & Buying In Facebook Groups (most of these tips should apply to the new marketplace area too)
If you are not already in a Facebook Buy and Sell group, I suggest simply asking your friends on Facebook if they can recommend a quality one that is active in your area. Chances are you will get several responses.
When you get into the group, make sure to read all the rules before you list to avoid being deleted from the group.
I have tried out Facebook Buy & Sell groups several times and find them to be a quick and efficient way to sell items–Craigslist being a close second.
Psst…The new trend on Facebook is to sell in the Facebook Marketplace area and I think it is going to soon replace all Facebook Buy and Sell groups. I have not used it yet, so I don’t have tips to share with you on how to use it. However, I did take a few minutes to jump around the area and it seems very simple to navigate and use.
Craigslist advertisements take a bit longer to list, but the listings do stay at the top of the feed longer than they do on Facebook and Craigslist has great searching options for buyers that Facebook Buy & Sell groups don’t have, which is a benefit for both seller and buyer.
I recommend using Craigslist for big items only. Items like bikes, large appliances, cars, etc. These items just sell better on Craigslist.
Of the three sites to sell your goods eBay is my least favorite. There are pros, such as you can get a higher return for your time spent since you are dealing with a larger audience that could get involved in a bidding war for your item.
The other pro is you do not have to meet the seller face to face, which means you don’t have the fear of a personal face to face interaction going seriously wrong.
The cons of using eBay is that it is more time consuming to list your items, eBay charges fees, bad customers can ruin your customer ratings killing your future sales, and you have to take the time to package things well so that they arrive safe and sound to their new owners.
Still I do choose eBay over Facebook and Craigslist as a place to sell particular items. Items such as book sets, homeschooling curriculum, unbreakable collectables, designer clothing, hot toy items and more.
To find out if your item might be worth more on eBay than it would be in a Facebook Buy and Sell group or on Craigslist only takes a few minutes. Simply perform a search through “completed listings” to see what an item similar to your own is selling for. Remember to calculate all the fees you will pay before deciding if it is worth for you to sell the item through eBay.
How To Prepare Your Items For Resale
1. Clean your item well
The cleaner the item, the quicker it sells–and for more money too.
My favorite tools for getting items as clean as possible
- Soft Scrub–Works great on plastic toys or outdoor furniture.
- Magic Eraser–Takes scuff marks and other small markings off items. Don’t use on painted items as it does sometimes remove paint. Also I like wearing gloves when I use it.
- Murphy’s oil soap–Makes wooden items glow!
- Super Washing Soda–OH MY, this stuff is amazing! It takes out old mustard stains, grass stains and washes painted items without removing paint. I of course mix it in warm water.
2. Know your item’s true worth
An item overpriced won’t sell, and an underpriced item won’t sell either. I know the second one is hard to believe, but trust me. Particularly when I sell things online, an item I’ve priced too low won’t get any bites. It is like they think something is wrong with it.
3. Showcase Your Item
How to showcase your item well depends on how you are selling it. Essentially you want your item to look its best in the pictures you take, but you also don’t want it look better than it truly is. Make sure your pictures are a true representation of the item. Show its good side, but also show its flaws. If where you are selling it only allows for one picture then choose to photograph the item’s best side, but make sure to list all its flaws in the description area.
4. Be knowledgeable about the item
The more details you share upfront about your item, the less questions you are going to spend time answering. How old? How big? Its features? The pluses? The drawbacks? Measurements are also a great benefit to the buyer so make sure to list them.
I share in greater detail how to get top dollar for your items in this post here.
*Don’t forget! In the printable pack that goes along with my free Christmas On A Zero Budget mini eBook there is a form that will help you get every item you want to sell ready to list with ease.
How To Plan A Christmas To Remember On A Super Tight Budget: The Series
Week One:Introduction & Our Story
Week Two:Where To Earning Gift Cards For Fast Christmas Cash
Week Three: Where To Find Free & Low Cost Christmas Gifts That Rock!
Week Five: Half Of What You Need For Christmas You Already Own
Week Six: Where To Resell Your Items Online For Quick Christmas Cash (you are here)
Week Seven: How To Use Your Talents & Passions To Generate Christmas Cash
Week Eight: 25 Christmas Traditions For Families On Tight Budgets
Week Nine: How To Hold An ‘Eat What You Have’ Week to Help Pad the Christmas Fund.
Week Ten: 15 Websites & Apps That Will Save You Money On Your Christmas Shopping
Week Eleven: 7 Christmas Themed Swap-It Parties That Will Save You Money
Week Twelve: 22 Gifts You Can Make Using Ingredients Found In Your Kitchen
Week Thirteen: How To Give Acts Of Service Gifts People Will Really Use: No More Coupons
Week Fourteen: 6 Ways To Earn Money For Christmas All Year Long
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