I have tried quite a few survey companies over the years and very few have I kept, but Paid Viewpoint is definitely a keeper.
Are you tired of long drawn out surveys? At Paid Viewpoint, their average longer survey is reported to be about 5 to 6 minutes long and most that I have filled out so far have only been 2 minutes or under.
Do you hate it when you spend precious minutes filling out preliminary questions only to be booted out of the survey and earn nothing for your time spent? Paid Viewpoint pays you for each and every survey you complete, and you are not invited to a survey unless you qualify.
Sure the pay per survey is still low, I did a bit of research and it seems that the range is anywhere from .03 cents to .75 cents per survey meaning this point program will not make you rich, but when you add it to stream of other simple point programs you could start seeing a total from all point programs combined that could put a bit of wiggle room in a tight budget.
A Few Things To Know About Paid Viewpoint.
(Links in this post are affiliate links. I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking those links. See my disclosure page for more information)
1. You must have a PayPal account to be paid
Paid Viewpoint pays out only to PayPal accounts when you reach $15 in your account.
2. Make sure you enter all your information correctly
For some reason Paidviewpoint.com has a strange policy that if you change either your cell phone number or your email after you have signed up your funds are frozen for 180 days. They say that it is to avoid having people break the rules of having one account per person. So make sure to double check and triple check your account information before you press enter and you should be fine.
If either your email or cell phone should change however know that you will not be able to cash out for 180 days
3. Surveys will come to your email and are on a first come first serve basis
Surveys come to your email box in the form of links that you click on to go to the survey, so make sure that in your settings you have the email notifications on. At first the surveys you get will be short 2 minute surveys that are worth .10 cents on average. I have been averaging one a day in my email account. These are called “trait” surveys and are meant to help Paid Viewpoint to get to know you better.
Once you have earned a higher trait score (more on what that is in a minute) you will start to receive “market research surveys” which are reported to be 5 to 6 minutes in length and have higher payouts (since I just started with Paid Viewpoint in early July I have not yet had one of these surveys yet but will try to update this post with how long they took and what I was paid once I get a few).
4. Your Trait Score Is Important
Your Trait Score is a measure of your consistency of answers. This is why I think at first you answer so many trait surveys before you get a higher paying market research survey. Paid Viewpoint wants to make sure you are taking the time to fully read the surveys and give honest answers so that they are truly helping those who pay them to give surveys to their members. Once you reach a trait score of 9000 the website states that you will start receiving more per answer.
I have been a member for 2 weeks so far and already have a trait score of 1390 and it is growing with each survey that I am completing. I am receiving a new survey on almost a daily basis so I am guessing it won’t take long to reach the 9000 trait score.
Why I am going to stick to using Paid Viewpoint
After using Paid Viewpoint for the last 2 weeks, what I like the most about it is how quick and simple the surveys are to complete. I also loved that I am paid for my time from the first question. My biggest pet peeve with other survey companies is answering 2 to 3 minutes worth of questions only to get kicked out of the survey before it is completed and not earn a cent, with Paid Viewpoint that doesn’t happen, I am already accepted to every survey I am invited to and I will be paid something for my time.
Not a member of Paid Viewpoint yet? sign up today.
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PaidViewpoint didn’t work well for me as a survey company. I only need $3.98 more to cash out (minimum $15.00) but I haven’t received a survey from them since January. I emailed them regarding this and they just told me to check for surveys on the website, but still no surveys.
Sorry to hear about this. I would suggest contacting them again. So far I have had a great experience with PaidViewpoint.