Christmas time can wear a mom out. We have the best of intentions. We want to serve those in our care. Make sure that we provide the best Christmas memories possible for them, but in providing for everyone else, we often end up completely worn out by December 25th.
Mom’s don’t let this happen to you. Believe it or not there is room in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season to care for yourself, and it doesn’t take as much time as you might think. Here are 10 ways below, pick one or two and make them a priority over the Christmas season.
10 Ways To Treat Yourself Well This Christmas Season
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1. Add a bit of something to your errands to make them special
Christmas errands can seem endless. There is the buying of the gifts, the sending of the Christmas cards, oh and don’t forget the Christmas groceries. Here are a few ways to turn those errands around from frustration points to enjoyable outings.
- Plan to leave the kids at home as much as possible: When my kids were little I did a lot of my shopping at 7 am in the morning when my husband got off his night shift but wasn’t ready to sleep quite yet. Yes it was early but the stores were uncrowded and with no kids I got things done faster.
- Make your first stop a drive thru at your favorite coffee shop so you can shop with a cup of you favorite coffee in hand. This always makes a dreaded errand better for me. (psst… here is how to earn those coffee drinks using Swagbucks)
- Fill your kindle app on your phone with a few light and simple reads so you can turn line waiting into reading time. (here are a few of my favorite places for free kindle books)
- Invite a friend with similar errand needs to join you so you can get them done together and enjoy each others company at the same time.
2. Add a bit of holiday cheer to your at home holiday chores
There is the decorating, the wrapping, the baking and don’t forget the extra cleaning that all need to be done before the big day. Instead of plowing through these chores with a “must get it done” attitude turn them into a time you enjoy.
- Wait to wrap until the kids are all in bed and then turn on your favorite holiday movie (here is one of mine) and wrap while you watch.
- Listen to Christmas music while baking and make sure to make your favorite cup or whatever before you start (me I make peppermint mocha)
- Set realistic daily goals for cleaning and when you reach them treat yourself to 15 to 30 minutes of an activity you enjoy.
3. Take some time either in the morning or the evening to recharge your batteries
One of my favorite things to do each Christmas season is to spend one morning by the light of the Christmas tree. I curl up on a chair near by with my bible in one hand and a mug of hot tea in the other. I take the time to read the story of Jesus’ birth and reflect on all the blessings our family has received this year. It is a much need time of calm amongst the hustle and bustle of the season that helps me put my focus where it truly belongs.
4. Walk or run the lights with a friend
If you town puts on a great light display like ours does, try to enjoy it not just with the kiddos but with a friend. I don’t manage this every year but when I do I am surprised by all the things I see in the display when I am strolling through them with a friend that I don’t see when I am with all three kids.
5. Enjoy a Christmas movie with the family and give it your full attention
As moms we tend to multitask every minute of the day, including family movie time. We use it to fold laundry, or finish up that craft we have been making as a gift. DON’T put it all away, cuddle up to you hubby or your child and get lost in the movie with them.
6. Read a Christmas book that you will enjoy
Each year I read one Christmas book and I am not talking about a Children’s title. I find either a fiction or nonfiction book that helps me remember what Christmas is all about and puts me more into the Christmas spirit. I always read it by the Christmas tree as much as possible, usually with a cup of something by my side and a few homemade Christmas treats.
A great series of short Christmas stories is The Red Glove Collection by Karen Kingsbury.
7. Make time for a good long soak
There is just something about a hot bath that can make a long hard day melt away. I like adding a cup of epsom salt along with 1/2 cup of baking soda and 2 tablespoon ginger powder to mine. I found a pin on pinterest that says this is suppose to be great for releasing toxins from your body. Don’t know if that is really true but I know it sure does ease my aching muscles and put me in relax mode.
If you want to make your bath even more relaxing light some candles, dim the lights and turn on some Christmas music (far away from sources of water of course, because being electrocuted is not relaxing) .
8. Hold a crafting night
If you are like me a night of working on crafts is super relaxing. You can do it alone if your introverted but if your extroverted, it is also fun to hold a crafting night where you invite friends over to work on whatever their current craft project is. Keep it simple, ask each friend to bring a snack or a 2 liter of pop, or juice, or a couple of hot cocoa pouches and keep the emphasis on just getting together to relax, chat and craft during a often go, go, go season.
9. Bake up your favorites too
I know I am famous for making sure I make my husband’s favorite cookies and those of all my children, then Christmas hits and I realize I never treated myself to making a batch of my own favorite cookies. Mom’s don’t let this happen to you, if your favorite isn’t what everyone else likes, make sure to make time to make it for yourself and enjoy it!
10. Get out of those sweats and ponytail
Christmas time is the worst for slipping on sweats first thing thinking you will grab a shower and put on a real outfit later when you have a moment, and then ending the day slipping off those same sweats. Ya, the moment is not going to magically appear, you have to make it a priority. There is just something about putting on even the simplest of outfits like jeans and a sweater, brushing your hair and perhaps putting on a bit of makeup and jewelery that just makes a mom feel great.
What ways to do pamper yourself just a little during the crazy Christmas season? I would love to hear about in the comments below.
I made a similar post about this! I agree that having a bath is extremely relaxing, I have too many bath products to even count… I think I’ve become obsessed!
Too many bath products? Never if that is your favorite way to relax then you will use them up eventually.