A really good motivator for me to declutter the house is to set a goal for what I can do with the cash I earn from selling my no longer needed items. For example this summer my husband and I paid cash for a camping trip for just the two of us. These goals make me more willing to part with my items as I am going to build memories by selling them instead of focusing on the days gone by that the items represent.
There are so many ways to make cash from tossing clutter here are 10 of my favorite ways and the posts in which I share tips in how to benefit the most from that cash making avenue.
10 ways to make cash from tossing clutter
(Links in this post are affiliate links. I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking those links. See my disclosure page for more information)
1. Facebook Buy & Sell Groups
Currently Facebook Buy & Sell Groups are one of my absolute favorite ways to convert clutter to cash fast. Sometimes it does take days to find a buyer but other times I have sold my items in less than 30 minutes.
2. Gamestop’s Trade In Program
If you use Gamestop’s trade in program you won’t get cash in your hand but you will get store credit. With two teenage boys in the house this is the fastest way for them to convert their old games they don’t play anymore into new games they will.
3. Amazon’s Trade In Program
If you love books and purchase and read current titles a great way to receive cash for new books is to take part in Amazon’s trade in program. It is easy and quick and you will receive payment in the way of Amazon gift card cash that you can spend on new books.
4. Yard Sales
If you want a large sum of cash quick, often your best way to go is to throw a yard sale. I have earned as much as $600 in one day off our tossed clutter by following my 10 tips. The more you toss the more you can earn.
5. PaperBackSwap
Here is another avenue for book lovers. is PaperBackSwap . PaperBackSwap is a great way to trade in good shape books old or new for titles on your want to read list. Homeschoolers this is an good program for finding books on your children’s recommended reading lists that come with many curriculums.
6. Consignment Stores
You might have to wait a while to get money from consignment store selling but your return will be greater than if you sold the items at a yard sale and best part, they find the customers for you.
If you prefer an online consignment store ThredUp is a great one. It made my list of 7 places you can sell your clothing.
7. Consignment Sales
Consignment sales usually take place over 2 to 3 days and although they take a bit of prep work and perhaps a few hours of volunteering, the amount of money earned makes it all worth it.
8. Craigslist
Once or twice a year my husband and I throw a Craigslist blitz weekend and sell off our big items that we are no longer using. It is always well worth the time we put into taking pictures, posting and then dealing with emails, texts and phone calls.
9. eBay
Typically after I attend our areas secondhand curriculum sale I post all the school books that didn’t sell on eBay and am able to sell them off.
10. The Simplest Way I Know To Sell Your Stuff
By far my favorite way to sell my stuff is also the easiest way. My friends use to tell me all the time AFTER I sold stuff “oh I wish I had known you were going to sell your………..I would have bought it for that price”. Now I let them know first.
Do You Need Motivation To Get Started In Tossing Clutter? Read this book, I read it years ago and after I got several chapters in I was so motivated to start parting with my stuff that I had to put it down and proceeded to purge 2 truck loads of stuff out of my home!
Not sure where to even begin gathering your clutter to sell? This free 2 page printable checklist available to those who subscribe to my weekly newsletter can help! Grab your copy by signing up below!
Feel like you would love to get rid of the stress your cluttered home is causing you, but you simply don’t know how you could squeeze time to declutter into your already cram packed life?
I recommend taking Make Over Your Mornings and/or Make Over Your Evenings. These are 15 day, video driven courses that come with a workbook for you to complete. Each day’s lesson consists of a five minute video, five minutes of reading and a five minute workbook activity.
The information I learned in the Make Over Your Evenings course gave me 30 minutes each and every morning without getting up earlier. The Makeover Your Mornings course is just as full of great time saving advice that can help you carve out time to rid your house of clutter and finally make your home the haven you know it could be.
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After moving home from University I have some much stuff that needs to be sold so this is definitely a great list that I will refer back to.
Facebook garage sale groups are gaining in popularity and for good reason. The ease of use and the fact that the items are being sold locally eliminates a lot of the hassle associated with Craigslist, eBay etc.
Also, buying and selling on FB allows the buyer and seller to hold each other accountable if say, the item is broke or defective. It beats Craigslist anonymous format by a long shot in my opinion.
I totally agree. It is so simple to snap a picture, load it to FB and then type in info. Much easier than both Craigslist and Ebay.
I’ve sold on eBay for 15+ years. For a long time, it’s how I made a full time income after my husband abandoned our family. It allowed me to stay home with my kids as a single mom. It’s definitely possible to make good money on eBay. 🙂
Yes it is, I think the trick is finding things that you are passionate about, just like blogging. The more you really like an item the better you are at selling it.
None of the links in this post work =(. Can you please go through and correct the links so I can navigate easily around your blog?
Sorry about that. When I upgraded to a faster server a bunch of links broke. I fixed the ones in this article for you. Thanks for alerting me to it.