Crystal Paine’s course Make Over Your Mornings is a video driven course that can transform your life by helping you take control of your days.
However, no course on earth is going to do that if you don’t know why you want to transform your life in the first place.
Before you click over and buy the course, I want you to take just a few minutes to think about your why.
5 Reasons Why You Might Want To Transform Your Life
(Links in this post are affiliate links. I will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking those links. See my disclosure page for more information)
1.You only get one
One life is all we are given and we are not even guaranteed that it will be a long one. Why waste it by living it below your potential? Grab the course and learn to live your life with intention.
2. People are watching you
I ran my 3 marathons not just for me but for my kids. I wanted to show them that BIG goals can happen even when you have to start at ground level. They watched me struggle running telephone pole to telephone pole and then slowly work my way up to being able to complete a marathon. Was I the fastest? Far from it…but I did it.
Who is watching you? What example are you setting? Do you perhaps need to start setting a better example of how you spend your days? If so, grab the Make Over Your Mornings course, apply its teachings, and watch those watching take notice of the changes in your life for the better.
3. You have dreams
This year I realized something. I had stopped dreaming. 4 deaths of precious loved ones (plus 1 more just recently) in just a few years had made me turn off the dream switch. It is time to turn it back on. These past few weeks I have started dreaming again and am using the principles taught in Crystal’s course to make those dreams reality.
How about you? What dream have you put on the shelf because you felt you didn’t have time or energy to ever pursue it? Grab the course and discover how to finally find the time and successfully set mini goals to reach that dream.
4. You’re tired of being controlled by fear
As a person who was emotionally abused for much of her young life, fear has a way of rising up like a massive wave and knocking me over. All the horrible words my abuser ever called me rush in and steal my courage.
A few years back I said NO MORE. When I hear the ‘what if’s’ start rushing in I realize right away that I am getting fearful and I push through it. It isn’t comfortable, but it is so worth it.
If you living in a world of ‘what if’s’ and you are sick of it…pick up the Make Over Your Morning’s course and see how living life with a plan can help you say “no” to fear and “yes” to life.
5. You’re tired of being tired
Living life without a plan sounds exciting until we are actually in the thick of it and realizing that we are getting nowhere. Suddenly what we thought would be a relaxing and laid back approach to life is causing us to feel like we are stuck in mud and unable to work our way out. We become tired of being tired but are not sure where to find our energy. If a laid back lifestyle doesn’t leave us with energy, then what will?
Crystal’s course will help you make relaxed routines and small goals that leave you time to still enjoy the flexibility you love but also allow you to find the energy you are craving. Energy found in reaching goals and making dreams come true.
Or perhaps…
Perhaps you don’t find any of my 5 reasons to be motivation to change your life. Well then, you either know already and are applying the knowledge in this course and therefore don’t really need it, or you need to take a few moments and write down your motivation to change.
What is it about your life that you are not happy about? What do you want to change? Why are you not seeing results? Why are you not reaching your goals?
If lack of time is an answer to any of those questions then I strongly recommend you invest in Make Over Your Mornings and learn how to make those changes, those goals, those dreams fit into your day.
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This was a great read! I’ve been talking with my husband about how we need to change our lives and that we are always rushed and tired. It’s not a great way to be and change needs to be made. This course may be in order for us if I can get him on board.
It is a great course. It covers really practical stuff in a way that makes you take action.