These Top Ten Reasons To Keep Clutter, are something that I wrote in one of my Clutter Busting updates in May, but I think they need a post all to themselves. That way I can pin them to my Organization board on Pinterest to read whenever I am clinging to clutter instead of tossing it.
Top Ten Reasons To Keep Clutter
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1. It might make you famous someday when the cast and crew of Hoarders comes to your door.
2. Mice are one of God’s creatures so it seems rather Christian of us to provide them with plenty of nest building materials.
3. That large heap of odds and ends in the backyard gives the neighbors plenty to talk about.
4. Having the garage too filled to park the vehicles in it during a snowy winter guarantees you get some exercise shoveling snow.
5. Keeping the guest room full of things you no longer use means no strange relatives can camp out at your house for long periods of time.
6. Your children love play places so why not create an obstacle course for them right in your own home.
7. My personal favorite: It is not clutter it is homey piles that guarantee that your home will never feel too sterile.
8. You are being green and reducing your carbon foot print by avoiding placing it in the landfill.
9. If you let it sit there long enough it will become an antique and make you rich.
10. You really will use it one day despite what all the experts say. After all dozens of red mesh orange bags and empty vinegar bottles (enter your stash item of choice… here…) are so valuable and hard to come by.
Seriously though don’t keep clutter! Toss it. Unless you really do want your 15 minutes of fame to be clutter related (or however long an episode of Hoarder is).
Want motivation to keep you home clean and organized? Follow my Organization Board or my How To Clean Tips Board on Pinterest.
Feel like you would love to get rid of the stress your cluttered home is causing you, but you simply don’t know how you could squeeze time to declutter into your already cram packed life?
I recommend taking Make Over Your Mornings and/or Make Over Your Evenings. These are 15 day, video driven courses that come with a workbook for you to complete. Each day’s lesson consists of a five minute video, five minutes of reading and a five minute workbook activity.
The information I learned in the Make Over Your Evenings course gave me 30 minutes each and every morning without getting up earlier. The Makeover Your Mornings course is just as full of great time saving advice that can help you carve out time to rid your house of clutter and finally make your home the haven you know it could be.
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lol so true