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Do you have a life goal that has been sitting on the shelf forever. One you make every excuse in the book to leave it there collecting dust, yet it nags at you, taunts you, and basically keeps you from feeling successful in life.
Here are 10 Ways to Make Your Goals A Reality
1. Push through the fear
Often the hardest obstacle standing in the way of completing our goals if fear. Fear you will fail. Fear you will be hurt. Fear others will laugh.
What helps me push through fear is believing in what God says about me. I cling to His scripture, memorizing verse after verse. One of my favorites is 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
2. Tell others
Nothing works better than announcing on every social media platform you are involved in that you are going to ……….(run a marathon, start a blog, take a trip cross country, rid you house of clutter). It is hard to back out of something when everyone around you knows you set out to pursue it.
3. Make it a Priority
Once you have fully committed to going for a goal you need to make it a priority. To make it a priority you have to find out what time you can best work on it through your week.
Sit down and block out your average day and week, (I like the method of time blocking mentioned in Tell Your Time). Now prayerfully consider what you can drop, and where time to work on your goal can fit into your day and your week.
4. Make room in your budget
Most goals require some amount of money. You can’t run a marathon without a good pair of running shoes and paying the entrance fee. You can’t travel without spending cash. Figure out how much reaching your goal is going to cost you then sit down and figure out where the money is going to come from.
Could you sell a few items you already own? Could you create and sell crafts? Could you babysit? Take on a part time job? Go crazy earning Swagbucks to convert to Amazon cash to pay for goal supplies?
5. Create a written plan
You have picked a goal, told everyone you are going to do it, found the time and money for it so now what? The next step is to create a plan of snail pacing steps that will help make your dream a reality.
Spend a bit of time researching how others did what you want to do. Then create a realistic time line that factors in what else is going on in your life, and break your goal down into manageable steps.
I really liked the help in breaking down goals found in 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life . I also found The Do What You Can Plan to be very inspiring for snail pacing away at my goals.
6. Be Diligent
A written plan is just a piece of paper without diligence. Time to pursue your goal is no good without diligence. The money to pursue your goal is of no value without diligence.
I once did a word study in the bible on diligence, it changed my life. I urge you to do the same it will help you stick to your goals and make your dreams reality.
7. Always keep learning
Spend a small amount of time each week studying your goal area. If it is running, subscribe to runner’s world. If it is blogging subscribe to and read blogs on how to blog. What ever you goal is I bet someone is writing about it somewhere.
8.Stay inspired
It never fails half way through reaching a goal we loose the wind in our sails and just want to give up. That is the time to dig deep and find inspiration. It could be quotes shared by a motivational Facebook page. It could be reading about those who have completed your same goal. It could be finding real life and online friends who have similar goals. It could be spending a few moments each day invisioning what it is going to look like when your goal is accomplished.
9. Take a breather
Sometimes we can become so goal oriented that we forget that life exists beyond the goal and we burn out before we obtain it. Often we fear if we take a break we won’t return to finish it. If that is what is holding you back form taking a rest give yourself a set time to rest and have the diligence to follow it.
10. Hold off looking too far ahead
Don’t measure your success by looking at your final goal but instead by each and every snail pacing step you achieve along the way. Sometimes we discourage ourselves by withholding cheering for our accomplishments until we reach our final destinations. Cheering at steps along the way is motivating.
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These are all great suggestions. So glad that you put “push through the fear” first. If we do that, the others fall into place a little easier. Great post! I visited from Thriving Thurs. this morning.
smart post today
Love your tips! There is nothing that gets me going more than telling others. I’m so blessed to have a group of women that I know will not let me quit (or even fail to begin) my goals. I’ve been in the take a breather phase for a little too long! I think it’s time I find my inspiration, again! 🙂
Thanks for sharing these with us!
Yes having a group of friends that keep you accountable is such a blessing.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I just started a new business and I’ve noticed some concerns and this is pretty inspiring.
Your welcome and I hope your new business is a success.