We all have those people on our list that either HATE clutter or they have so much stuff already you can’t think of a single thing they need or would want. Or perhaps they are working hard at getting rid of their clutter, and you don’t want to hurt their progress. Here are ten clutter-free gift ideas that will be loved by all.
How To Give Awesome 100% Clutter-Free Gifts
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A vital step in giving clutter-free gifts people will love is to make sure to observe the person’s likes and dislikes first because what might not be clutter to one person could be clutter to another.
To explain let me confess, I am a plain Jane black, and white socks only type person and yet every year at least one friend gives me a pair of Christmas socks. Another friend will give me a scented candle, and I don’t have the heart to tell them that most scented candles give me a wicked headache. I also receive at least one Christmas gift each year of hot cocoa, but I am one of the very few people on the planet who doesn’t like hot cocoa.
These gifts although all consumable are not clutter free to me. I accept them gracefully, but I have to find others to consume them for me. The real key to giving a clutter-free gift is to pay close attention to your friends likes and dislikes. What do they love so much that you see them using it whenever you are with them. What your friend will enjoy every minute of using it up is a real clutter-free gift. What brands do they mention in their social media feeds? What items show up in their Instagram feeds over and over?
10 Clutter Free Gift Ideas
1. Gift cards to large department stores
If the person you are buying for isn’t a close friend it is going to be hard to do a lot of things on this list since you won’t know their tastes. If that is the case, I would get them a gift card to a large department store full of so many items that surely your new friend, co-worker or family member will be able to find something they like.
Did you know you can earn e-gift cards doing things you already do online?
2. Candles
I know I just told you I don’t like Candles and yet they are number 2 on my list. Truth is I did at one time like scented candles, but in recent years all but a few particular brands give me wicked headaches. However many women and men love having a scented candle going at all times. Look around your friends home next time you are over, are there half-burnt candles sitting here and there, and are they dust free? If so then chances are she or he burns them regularly. Also, take a moment to note the brand because she or she may buy a particular brand for a reason.
My two of my favorite brands of candles are Burts Bees and Mrs. Myer’s.
3. Gift Card to their favorite restaurant
One of my favorite gifts to receive at Christmas time is a simple $5 gift card to Starbucks so I can enjoy a specialty coffee, or a $5 Chick-fil-la gift card so I can grab a sweet tea courtesy of a friend. Look through your friends Instagram feed, or Facebook wall and see what restaurants show up in their feed over and over again and grab a gift card to it and give it to her as a gift. You can make it a meal size card or just enough for her favorite drink, depending on your giving budget.
4. Favorite food items
I am a foodie; I love receiving things like great organic chocolate and amazing coffee as gifts. Chances are your friend might be too. As I said in point two stalk your friend’s social media feeds and see what foods appear over and over. Or if they are not the social media type, when at their house raid their kitchen cupboards while they are in the bathroom, what food is hidden in the back of the cupboards, where the kids won’t find it but your friend can! (admit it we moms all do it).
5. Craft & hobby supplies
Crafters love brand new supplies. To a painter, a set of new paintbrushes is like candy. To knitter, new yarn or more of their favorite brand in a new color is a sweet treat. Again do a bit of digging, when your knitting friend leaves the room dig down to the bottom of her yarn bag and shoot a picture of the yarn wrapper you will most likely find there. Brands tend to matter to crafters so if you are really at a loss and don’t want to dig, just ask about their craft and what they use to do it and make a mental note of brands they mentioned.
6. Gift cards to stores that sell their favorite brands
Does your running friend always seem to show up in a specific brand of running attire? Find out where it is sold and get a gift card to that store so they can pick out exactly what they want. Don’t feel like you have to get a certificate large enough for one item if your friend is a designer lover and you have a thrift store budget, even getting $5 to $10 off an item with a gift card is a gift that a true friend will appreciate.
If would know for sure what item they would pick out one way to save money on brand name clothing, and home items is to join Zulily. They have incredible sales. I have purchased name brand items for as much as 60% off through them.
7. Kindle gift cards
If you have a bookworm friend a Kindle gift card, you will probably get a big hug. Even if they don’t have a Kindle device, with the free Kindle app, your friend can read books on their tablet, smartphone, or even their laptop.
8. I owe you gift certificates
If you are great at baking bread and you know your friend loves it because you watch her devour piece after piece when you invite her to dinner, then make up a gift certificate for a fresh loaf each month for a year. Does your friend have little kids and no family in town to watch them nor the budget to higher a sitter for date night, make her a few gift certificates up that are good for a night of babysitting?
Think giving homemade coupons is kind of lame? Try this way of giving an act of service gift.
9. Movie night in a box
Did you know you can buy Redbox movie gift certificates? Buy one large enough for your friend to grab a few movies, then grab a few of her favorite treats, and a bottle of her favorite beverage, and wrap it up in a box. If you don’t know what she likes then how about a small gift certificate to the convenience store nearest her and the Redbox gift card placed in a card with a few kind words from you.
10. Baking Mixes
Does your friend love freshly baked cookies but you know she doesn’t have a lot of time to bake? How about making her up a cookie mix in a jar. I found this tutorial on making five different types of baked goods in a jar complete with printable labels while searching Pinterest one night.
What clutter-free gift would you add to my list?
Do you need money for Christmas? Use this method to earn cash for Christmas in minutes a day.
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Very good list. I especially like the ‘I owe you certificates’. Will use that for sure!
Better yet, gift card or gift certificate to local places. They can shop small, help their community, and discover great locally made art, artisan products, or new things to do in their own backyard!
Great idea.
A gift certificate for a professional massage! Today I used the one my husband bought me months ago on my birthday and it was so nice.
Really, any kind of service would be good: mani/pedi, maid service, VA, babysitting. . .
Love the massage idea.